“Kept these imprisoned children of
the Hours
Within my
hand,—and then, elate and gay,
I hastened
to the spot whence I had come,
That I might
there present it!—Oh! to whom?“
The season
of bloom has begun… at least astrologically, since the weather is as unstable
as a woman’s mood. Nevertheless, when the sky is not gloomy, that wintery thin
layer of snow or ice on the pavement is absent and a ray of fresh sunlight
beams at us through the clouds, merry muses are awakened. Our physical and
especially mental energy is renewed and as the concluding lines of P. B.
Shelley’s The Question imply, the intense
desire to share what our minds or hands have created is reborn... Hence here is
the second issue of the student magazine The
promised, this issue is of a more varied content – movie reviews have been
extended to a recollection of Two Door Cinema Club’s concert and instead of a satire,
one can find two humorous accounts of the annual Ball of our faculty… New
genres are also included: poems, a travel report, an event planner, a short
story, an interview with one of our beloved teachers and a section named
“Visual Muses” that refers to art created by our course-mates – in this issue
it is a glance into the sketchbook of one of the ever-busy double-subject
students. Make haste! It’s all ahead of you to read and enjoy.
Anna Hupcejová, Editor in Chief