Thursday, 4 April 2013

Overture to the first issue (March).

"The Musepaper" is a project created and carried out by the students of Charles University’s Anglophone Studies. Its aim is to collect and share literary creations written by us, for English is not meant to be solely a school subject; in The Musepaper, it is a medium of amusement with the aim to inspire and enlighten the creative and perceptive self. It is planned to be published once a month in a downloadable PDF version that will be available on its official Facebook page (link below). All contributions will include a photograph of the writer together with a short self-presentation, also self-written. Hopefully The Musepaper will reach more than a few issues and in time (fingers crossed), it will be successful enough to take a physical print form.

With the Oscars shortly behind us, the area of discourse of the first issue of The Musepaper has been limited down to movie reviews, written by a few courageous individuals. Anna Karenina, Django Unchained and The Hobbit: Unexpected Journey are all films with a connection to our course – Anna Karenina being the work of the renowned director Joe Wright, Tarantino’s Django discussing a chapter of American history and The Hobbit enabled the return to Tolkien’s Middle Earth. Lincoln, same as during the Oscars, has not been a favorite even among Anglophone students, but with next issue being more open to all kinds of contributions; it is definitely not yet a closed subject!

Nonetheless, I hope you, dear readers and fellow course mates, will enjoy this premiere of The Musepaper – turn this page to begin your journey through the cinematic world and analytical minds of the first active Musepaper members. Spoiler alert! It all begins with a short satire, continues with reviews and ends with an overture to the next issue.

Anna Hupcejová (Editor in Chief)