the stress and responsibilities of the exam period, it was absolutely
marvellous to have received so much material for the June MP. Johana Lajdová,
for example, sent in a report about a lecture on the Welsh language, organized
by Erasmus, together with an interview with the young lecturers. However, due
to the page limit and also the feeling that 3 interviews in a single issue is
too much, the interview will be available online only.
there are a lot of great articles that did get into the June MP. Since it is
the final issue of this academic year, the majority of its content will look
back at the academic year as well as discussing plans for the summer or future
in general. For example, in the interviews with Professor Mirka Horová and the
blues singer Junawa Jenkins, they discuss the past and future of their works.
Then there are reviews of events. Andrew Buring reflects on a B O D Y Spring
Reading in “A Writing of a Reading”, where this month’s short fiction “Starry
Night” was read by the author Diane Simmons herself. Jaromír Lelek then gives a
personal account of the Prague Microfestival – and Veronika Soukupová concludes
the issue with a short flash-back article about her BA studies.
Anna Hupcejová (Editor in Chief)