How would you, in a single word/sentence,
describe your poetry?
Okay, if it’d be one word, it’d be “light”. Not
meant to be taken too seriously, no subtleties, symbolism... It’s just light.
I will write about anything - if it rhymes, great. Lately I’d say I’m not even
choosing topics – if the words are there, I write it as long as I don’t hate
Where do you write most of the time?
At home. I don’t know... I think that with
poetry it’s different than with short stories or novels, that it’s a much more
long-term work process. I think that the key central lines can pop up anytime,
when you’re walking, taking the tram, a bath... And the rest streams out from
that. So no, I don’t have a favourite part of Prague. But there is a park near
my home where I go for a walk when I’m bored or there are a lot of things on my
mind and I walk around until an idea pops up in my head.
Do you push yourself into writing a poem every
Hm, I’ll just say what I write every day. I
write a blog everyday (
– 250-500 words is my goal, but I’ve been going over 500 words lately! (Laughs) So once I finish the blog, I
write a couplet that has to be 140 characters of less so it can go on Twitter.
So when you say if I write a poem every day, I do write a rhyming couplet every
day. But a poem? No, but Alchemy does keep me going, I try to write 4-5 poems a
month and one song parody per month, but I don’t know for how much long I can
manage that! It’s much harder than poems.
Willie Watson was
interviewed in MP#8, which can be found on our online database. The poem below is from his
book of poetry “155 Sonnets”, published in 2014.