There have been four issues of the Musepaper so far, and gradually it
has developed into its current form. The magazine is more selective in its
officially published contributions, it indeed is beginning to give the readers
an idea about English-speaking Prague (events taking place; interesting
personages) and hopefully it is a positive motivation for all to write
creatively in English. Were there any failures? Yes, such as the general lack
of enthusiasm and support for the project and also the expected missing of
While the Musepaper will take now a 3 months’ break from publishing PDF
issues, the website will not. It will continue to be updated with contributions
you send in during the summer. What could do? Short stories/vignettes; poems;
travel articles; reviews of a book/movie/music or film festival… There are no deadlines;
it is all up to you to send your creations whenever you want to I am looking forward to receiving them.
May the summer bring you all the favour of muses or at least a fair
amount of amusement!