Bus trips can become a bit of a nuisance at times. Chatting to your
neighbour gets tiresome after a couple of hours. So does staring out of
the window, despite the unique charm of picturesque Moravian vineyards and/or
Bohemian petrol stations. And when all the snacks are disposed of, one falls
into deep despair. What to do next?! – Fortunately, if you happen to embark on
a trip with the Department of Phonetics, this is a question you shall not
be forced to ask yourself.
After a brief guitar overture performed by Dr. Volín, the bored bunch of
trip-goers were presented with an exciting challenge—a poetry challenge, to be more precise. The assignment was the following:
“Before we reach Znojmo, each of you will compose a short poem comprising
the word ‘Vídeň.’” Whereupon each of the travellers immersed themselves in
reflection, pondering on various metric schemes as well as the intricate nature
of the Czech vocabulary, which does not provide a very vivid choice of words to
rhyme with the name of the Austrian capital. After half an hour of scribbling,
mumbling and sweating, each of us handed in a more or less lyrical
contribution, some of which you can read below.
Zda prý vím něco o Vídni,
ptá se kantor nevlídný.
Kdo mi trochu napoví?
Já vím velký kulový;
jsem totiž trouba z Kolína
- tak se zeptám Volína.
(Magdaléna Hniličková)