Sunday, 30 June 2013

A Fanciful Vignette

Feet rushing to get before one another in a ridiculous race. The company just past the Great Gate to Favulia and were astonished at the spectacle; two monumental camels towering as high as the eye could see. But there was no time. The people feared us. I shot a lightning bolt after one of the camels which was completely motionless. It pierced a hole right through its stomach, the earth moved. As we approached the edge of the plateau the camel began to tilt in our direction and so we had to jump.

Boats, beards and a line of brown soldiers: Five or Seven in a row creating a disciplined and sorted queue spanning right to Our gates. They were coming. I took to the air and watched how a steady regiment of huge wolves crushes our first lines.. and they didn’t stop there. I shouted for some spears to be raised in opposition to this quickly advancing wave. Dozens were being killed every second. I took up a bow and started to thin their lines.

Ground. Grass. Galloping towards me the Commander. I darted out to finally meet him on the field of battle. I swung from the right with all the might my wounded body could muster. He parried the strike and grinned revealing his dark peering eyes and pale soulless teeth.

Back in the barracks. King Henry is bleeding. King Henry is a wildly massive grey boar fuelled by the most unyielding humour I’ve yet encountered on all the plateaus and all the adjacent borrows. He had no neck, spiky long fur, and eyes that could lift up your spirits from darkness however deep. He was bleeding from 5 separate spots and had big chunks of raw meet bitten off him. Yet he stood composed. I hurled my sword into his gaping chops in an effort to end his suffering. But the sword only clanged as it hit a solid floor within him. He smiled and tossed his crown askew.