Friday, 14 February 2014

Fishing Village

The wide canvas ocean
drips down into salty mists
to finally condense in a thick blue wine
and lick with an icy tongue
the rolling Land- an ancient sea bed
Long silver pikes swim through pines
            their glass irises black
            a window into Void
forests sway to rhythm the  water's currents
            cold as needles
they propel each other, to and through.
There, walking on grime
a myriad fishermen fathers covered by algae
            and tepid barnacles
eyes locked, they push and hoist
            there and back
            there and back
 through shaded crags filled with tobacco tea  
Where stone slabs, megalithic pillars look up, towards the loud sun
             gulls cry their orders to the buffet of life,
             and see only their own reflection on the silver waters
But below the mirror
among dancing seaweeds
            'dem groin hairs of the sea
live sly, mongrel bodies.

-          Jim Stein