Friday, 14 February 2014

Small People

Small people.
Small talks.
Small lives.
Small bodies.
Of small importance.

But are they really?

Small people.
Small worlds of their own.
Small lives, small salaries,
small problems of their own.

Like queen Elisabeth. (she's not much of a giant)
and Gandhi himself was one hell of a dwarf.
And so was Napoleon Bonaparte
and so was David, the killer of Goliath.

Small people.
Small houses with small gardens.
Small livings of their own
small works
small impact.
All small.

If you want to look at them, you have to look downwards, because

small people.
With small talks.
Small, abysmal!
Yet never overlooked.
Never inferior, though small.

Small people.
Everything seems bigger
than them and to them.
Buildings, cars, the life itself, even other people
(except those small ones).

Small people.
Small talks
small success
small influence
small lives.

Everything seems bigger than them and to them.
But never bigger than or to their soul.

-          David Stringbreaker