Thursday, 15 May 2014

Takuan's Cat

Takuan Sōhō ( 1573- 1645) was a rōshi (teacher) of the Rinzai sect of Buddhism. He was born just as the Warring States period of Japanese history was coming to a close, and wrote his major work “The Unfettered Mind” as a Zen treatise on the art of the Japanese sword. He is also credited with inventing the pickled daikon radish, now called Takuan in his honour.

Takuan's Cat

Image credit: Mariusz Szmerdt,  
To let the mind travel
from navel to eye
from object to subject
and back to a place
            where it has never been
 is a slippery one
The cat is silly
it moves to and fro
playing tag with its tail
But the benevolent force of history pulls taut the copper string
tighter and tighter, until the cat is dragged in
and finally tied
its green helpless eyes darting side to side
It hates the tight string
and all itself,
But then,
             An event still to be explained
the string uncoils like a reel fertile with fish
and the cat lives again,
and gives thanks for its freedom
with each arbitrary unit of time that passes

An Answer to Takuan

Feline tracks in fresh-fallen snow
where lies the place to where
your stray cat returns?

Jim Stein